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KI Insights provides subscribers with an inside perspective on Ukraine’s political and economic developments — and the country’s road to reconstruction.
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Insights articles

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Opinion: The harsh truth behind Ukraine’s peace prospects

Talks of a diplomatic solution are growing louder, but on the ground, Ukraine is still trapped in a war that diplomacy alone can't resolve.
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Opinion: A sober look at the successors of the Russian 'Empire'

The Russian opposition aims to replace Putin, but not the imperialist structure that underpins Russian politics.
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Opinion: Ukraine’s oligarchs were once kingmakers. Where are they now?

Ukraine’s oligarchs, once dominant power brokers, have seen their influence wane amid war, reforms, and shifting economic realities, raising questions about the future of the country’s political landscape.
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Opinion: Why India’s Modi won’t play the peace negotiator

As world leaders gathered in Washington for the NATO summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi traveled to Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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Opinion: Navigating the ‘Zelensky Legitimacy Question’

As Zelensky’s presidential term comes to an end, debates over his legitimacy and Ukraine’s political future intensify. KI Insights took a deep look into constitutional ambiguity, internal political struggle, and how they might affect a potential future peace process.
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Sikorski: ‘We want to help Ukraine, but you must decide how long you are ready to go on’

KI Insights sat down with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski to discuss the relations between Ukraine and Poland, including the highly controversial border blockade by Polish farmers, aid to Ukraine, and whether Poland is ready for a potential armed conflict with Russia.
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Power Lines
Hosted by Jakub Parusinski, Power Lines explores how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine changed the world and how to go about rebuilding it
About the project

KI Insights is the Kyiv Independent’s new research unit aimed at providing in-depth analysis of Ukraine’s political scene and business prospects. It focuses on the country’s reconstruction: what are the main challenges, who are the key players and what opportunities are out there?

KI Insights content is produced by a team of analysts with a combined 80 years of experience in Ukrainian political, financial and industrial sectors. The unit is led by Jakub Parusinski, whose prior experience includes roles as Kyiv Post CEO, McKinsey consultant in London and a research editor at BG Capital investment bank in Kyiv. He holds a Masters in Political Science from the Central European University, a Masters in Economics from the University of Gdansk and an MBA from Insead.

Become an Insights subscriber
KI Insights provides subscribers with an inside perspective on Ukraine’s political and economic developments — and the country’s road to reconstruction.
Get a 1-month free access